408 Grace Avenue, Worland, Wyoming 82401 ~ 307-347-3515


Fall Planting

Mums-Every fall, front porches all over the neighborhood stack up with Mums — our favorite sun-loving fall flower. Mums come in a multitude of colors, from fall classic colors like orange, red, and yellow to unexpected white, pink, and purple. Buy mums in a variety of colors and mix them together for fun arrangements. When purchasing mums, it’s a good idea to go with a plant with unopened buds so you can see the flower bloom and have it for longer. Come in and pick your own colors to brighten up your front porch this fall!

Fall Bulbs- These miracles of nature require only moisture and rising temperatures to end their dormancy and begin to grow. That means bulbs generally are easy and foolproof garden plants. Bulbs are planted in the fall and bloom the following spring.Give yourself the gift of spring color. Make a small investment in planting in the fall and you'll be greeted with cheery early blooms of Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus or Allium in early spring. Fall-Planted bulbs can also be forced indoors, for beautiful color in your home. Come in for a great selection of bulbs for your Fall planting.


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408 Grace Avenue, Worland, Wyoming 82401
307-347-3515 ~ 97enchanted@gmail.com




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